Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ghost Towns . . . A History Lesson . . .

Ghost towns are towns that for what ever reason have all but ceased to exist. Sometimes they were platted but never 'caught on.'  One of my cousins told me about a big tree north of Edgerton that had a sign near it.  I recently drove out to check it out.  

Denmark Monument

This is the monument with the sign .  It is beside a huge oak tree.  There are several large pine trees in the area.  there is a older house back off the road. 

Denmark plaque

It seems that this area used to be Denmark, one of the first, if not the first official settlement in Williams County. I think it definitely qualifies for being a ghost town.  Other than the monument, there isn't anything around to suggest there was ever a town there.  

Denmark tree trunk

The treee is huge!.  The diameter of the trunk is easily 6' .  Maybe I should have parked the MINI in front of the trunk and took a pic.  I'm pretty sure that vine is poison ivy.  

Denmark tree

It has a lot of interesting branches.  Definitely will be returning this fall and winter to get a better shot of the tree without so many leaves.  

parkersburg monument

A while later I came upon this monument.  I've seen it before.  

parkersburg plaque

It seems that Parkersburg was laid out, but never caught on. I have to admit that I've never heard of the 'famous' Samuel K. Swisher gravel pit, but then I didn't grow up around here.  I did see a grassy lane leading back into the woods, but I didn't investigate further.

The line about the walnut tree really caught my attention.  That was some tree!!!  Probably used to frame a house or barn.  I wonder if that building is standing.  Can you imagine finding beams in an old barn made of walnut.  WOW!!!  

I like reading about local history.  It really comes to life when you can go to the sites you just read about.

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