Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday, June 28 . . .

Hasn't been much ramble on about lately. 

I found my red pen the other day.  I lost it a month or two ago.  I figgered it dropped out of my pocket somewhere and was gone forever.  I found it on the floor behind a door.  I figger there is only one "person" who knows how it got there . . . That would be Simon, my almost 13 pound, long, orange tabby cat.  When I questioned him, he gave me his blank, what are you talkin about look.  I get that a lot. 

I have started my annual clean the cobwebs, dust and dirt out of the garage clean up.  I always wait till the cotton wood seeds are done flying around.  They like to meet up outside my garage door and barge in when I open it.  I found my spare belt for my wood lathe.  Been lookin for it for a couple years, I think.  It was in a logical place.  I just wasn't able to catalog the location in an easy to remember place in my brain's memory banks. 

Then there was my toothbrush.  The other morning the battery was completely dead.  Usually it gradually slows down so that you don't notice it.  First time I've had one just up and quit in a long time. 

It is hard to believe but I have been to well over 200 garage sales during the last two weeks.  Been to at least one community sales each weekend.  I skipped Lake Seneca this AM.  I was just too tired of garage sales to get up and go. I may have serious case of 'garage sale burnout.'  I think the annual town wide sales are pretty much over till the Rt. 127 sale in August. 

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I shot this a couple days ago as I was leaving a sale.  I didn't see the second cat till processed the pic.

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Now this is a "Woodie!!"  I spotted this last Saturday AM at the local flower/coffee shop.  The shop owner borrowed it for the Bryan Jubilee parade.  I think she said it is built on a Model A chassis. Check out the hub caps and grill.

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You never know what you are gonna see at garage sales.  Earlier this spring I saw a couple 'ball & chains' at garage sale.  I spotted this at the Edgerton garage sales. I didn't inquire about the price, but I doubt is was a 'garage sale' price.  

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I spotted this at the Hamilton IN sales.  Upon closer inspection, I noticed a Vera Bradley purse address on the car.  Mary Kay gives out pink Cadillacs, Vera Bradley does this . . . 

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A week or so ago, I storm full of lightning was comin in from Lake Michigan.  I got my camera set up on my tripod in the garage and waited . . .thinkin I was gonna get me some award winning lightning pics . . .  All I got was a couple mean lookin clouds, some wind and a few drops of rain

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