Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010 . . .

I'm sure everyone wants my latest rainfall total . . .  so here it is . . .  I dumped another 1.33" out of my official rain gauge.  That gives my yard 9.35" inches since April 20.  I drove by the course yesterday PM.  A couple cars in the parking lot, probably some old (I'm comin right out and sayin it now that the old guy called me 'the old guy' Friday) people gettin their 4:30 dinner.  I'm pretty sure the course was closed.  It got a lot more rain than I did.  I'll be mildly surprised if I work tomorrow and if I do mow, it will be with the little Toro.  

The cottonwoods 'busted' loose a couple days ago.  When the wind blows a bit, it looks like it is snowin.  My eyes will be feelin like they are full of sand for a while.   

Goin to a graduation party later this PM.  My red-headed cousin's son is graduating today.  Givin him a pen I made.  It is my favorite so far.  Guess I'll hafta make another one like it.  Since I advertise a blog with pictures and I haven't had many photos lately,  here it is . . .

Levi's Pen

It is a Wall Street II with 24K Gold plating.  Can't remember what the red acrylic is called.  

Read in yesterday's Journal Gazette that the singer, Phil Collins, owns 18 cannonballs used in the Battle of the Alamo.  I'm rememberin that one for this PM.  Interesting facts like that are great conversation starters . . . and sometimes conversation enders.  

Was in the Walmart the other day.  One of those dreaded little blue-haired ladies was drivin a scooter down the aisle toward me.  There were a couple innocent civilians between us.  I was thinkin 'this could be interesting.'  I started to go one way to get out of the way and she started to turn the same way,  So I started to go the other way . . . she did too.  We did this a couple times before I stopped in my tracks to see what was gonna happen, then decide what to do.  The little blue-haired lady thought it was so funny that I thought she might fall of her scooter.  If they have safety belts, she wasn't usin it.  The stuff I hafta deal with . . . .

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