Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 . . .

Experienced a serious energy shortage Monday & Tuesday of this week.  I have no explanation for it.  I was just beat for no apparent reason . . .  I started comin out of it around 4 yesterday afternoon.  I'm fine today.  I have spells like this every so often.  I think this one was caused by boredom, but then I have no idea why the boredom left . . . if that is what caused it.  

Sunday PM I headed over to Grand Rapids.  Saw a short blurb in the newspaper about them havin some sort of festival that involved canal boat rides.  Been wantin to be there when the canal boat was runnin.  When I got there I discovered that the 'goin ons' was the day before.  This isn't the first time I've skimmed an article and got something wrong . . . like the date.  Didn't have to fight the crowds, bein there on the wrong date, but didn't see the canal boat in operation either.  I took some pics but I can't get them out of the camera.  It is a relatively new camera that I'm not likin real well.  Think I'm gonna be sellin it on eBay or Amazon soon.  Ease of pic transfer isn't the only thing that rubs me wrong about it.  

For whatever reason eBay sales have picked up this week.  Made 5 sales yesterday and 3 today.  My sales have dropped off since May when eBay changed -- AGAIN -- how they do things.  Two of the sales today were of things I listed yesterday . . . after my energy came back.  When I have a quick sale like that I always wonder if I should listed a higher BIN price.  I usually look to see where similiar items are sellin for and go from there.  I didn't list top dollar prices cause the bowls involved were in that great of condition, but that type of bowl was pretty scarce in the listings.  Oh well, at least they are gone and out of my way already.  

Every hear of doughnut hamburgers???  I haven't,  but then I admit I don't get out much . . . The Ft. Wayne paper had an article on them.  Ft. Wayne is having a week long festival and doughnut hamburgers is one of this year's  'midway' delicacies . . .   A doughnut hamburger is pretty much what it says . . . a quarter-pound beef patty, swiss cheese, lettuce and a slice of tomato.  Instead of a hamburger bun, you have two glazed doughnuts.  Not something I'm gonna go to Ft Wayne to sample.  Never cared much for that part of town festivals and county fairs cause the kids reminded me too much of the halls of the school I taught in.  When they finally enacted and enforced a dress code it wasn't so bad, but I still have a good memory . . . once in a while.  

Time to get myself to the Y.  I didn't get there Monday due to my energy shortage. 

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