Friday, April 16, 2010

April 16, 2010 . . . Post #300 . . .

Noticed while signin in that this is my 300th post! Seems like there should be a band playin or somethin . . . All I can hear is the fans in my computer. Oh well, probably a good thing that I have steady readership of only, maybe 6 . . . and 5 of them are probably relatives . . . if they will admit being a relative . . .

The other big news of the day is that the Cooper is officially street legal. I replaced the horn this week with one that works . . . and today the front license plate holder arrived and I am now displaying a front and back Ohio license plate. Me & the Cooper been 'drivin on the edge' the last few months.

Yesterday I saw one of those blue haired ladies putting groceries in her car. The car was a black PT Cruiser convertible. Not exactly what I thought those blue haired ladies drive. . . Usually see 'em in big white cars . . . Maybe she is a 'good' blue haired lady . . . one who doesn't get in everyone's way. . .

Ever notice those Swiffer commercials? I think they are the greatest!! I think they could be the next all-time classic commericals. 'Who's that lady? . . . '

This AM there was a little girl, probably about 4, in the Circle K with her mom. Someone braided pigtails, but then tied them into little knots. Looked like "devil's horns' growing out of her head. I was gonna ask about it, but thought better of it. Kept my distance from the little one . . . just in case, ya know . . .

Today's pictures are of a small turtle. I was drivin by the retention pond this AM and saw this little turtle crossin the road. Since it has been a few days since I shot any photos, I stopped and took a couple.

turtle top

Turtle bottom

Have no idea what kind it is and I haven't done anything to figger out what kind it is. First thought was a painted turtle, but I don't think they live around here. It wasn't answering any questions either. Tried to explain that I wasn't a salesman, a census worker or even a Jehova Witness or anything like that. Didn't do any good, it wasn't sayin nothin.

In case you were wonderin, I put him in the grass, right side up.

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